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Road Cycling Odyssey

A road cycling route starting from Albenga

Embark on a scenic road cycling odyssey that covers remarkable destinations near Albenga.


Discover the breathtaking landscapes and charming towns near Albenga on this road cycling adventure. With a total distance of 129 kilometers and an elevation gain of 2168 meters, this route offers a mix of challenging climbs and rewarding descents. Highlights such as Castelvecchio di Rocca Barbena, Calizzano, and Vado Ligure showcase the historical and architectural richness of the region. Rated as a 4 out of 5 in difficulty, this route is suitable for well-trained amateur riders seeking a satisfying challenge. With an epicness rating of 4 out of 5, prepare to be captivated by the scenic beauty and cultural heritage found along the way.

129 km
2168 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Albenga City center
Albenga: A mix of history, coastal beauty, and cycling routes in Albenga.
Albenga is a vibrant town located in the Liguria region of Italy. Cyclists will appreciate the mix of flat roads and rolling hills in this area. Albenga itself has a historic center with narrow streets and medieval buildings, perfect for exploring after a ride. Nearby, you can tackle challenging climbs such as the Colle San Bernardo and Colle dei Mulini. The region offers a mix of coastal and inland routes, providing cyclists with various options depending on their preferences. Albenga also has cycling-friendly services such as bike rentals and repair shops. Overall, Albenga is a fantastic destination for cyclists looking for history, culture, and diverse cycling routes.
Croce di Conscente307 mPeak
Conquer the challenging ascent of Croce di Conscente and be rewarded with breathtaking views over the Ligurian countryside.
Castelvecchio di Rocca BarbenaVillage
Explore the timeless village of Castelvecchio di Rocca Barbena with its picturesque alleys and historic architecture.
Monte Maglione813 mPeak
Ascend to the summit of Monte Maglione and marvel at the panoramic vistas of the surrounding landscapes.
Ride through the peaceful town of Calizzano and immerse yourself in its serene atmosphere and natural beauty.
Experience the charm of Murialdo, a quaint village known for its stunning views and traditional Ligurian culture.
Bric Tana537 mPeak
Reach the top of Bric Tana and take in the sweeping vistas of the Ligurian coast and mountainous terrain.
Pass through the picturesque town of Carcare, famous for its historical center and architectural heritage.
Bocchetta di Altare459 mMountain Pass
Conquer the epic ascent of Bocchetta di Altare and enjoy its challenging yet rewarding nature.
Vado LigureVillage
Cycle through the vibrant town of Vado Ligure, known for its bustling port and inviting coastal atmosphere.
Bric Groppino259 mPeak
Ascend to the summit of Bric Groppino and relish in the unparalleled views that unfold before you.
Pietra LigureVillage
Pass by the coastal town of Pietra Ligure, offering wonderful seaside landscapes and a lively atmosphere.
Monte Piccaro281 mPeak
Reach the pinnacle of Monte Piccaro and immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring views of the Ligurian coast and surrounding mountains.
Finish: Albenga City center
Albenga: A mix of history, coastal beauty, and cycling routes in Albenga.

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