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The Ligurian Coast Road Cycling Adventure

A road cycling route starting from Albenga

Explore the stunning Ligurian coastline with this road cycling route


Embark on a breathtaking journey along the Ligurian coast, as you cycle through picturesque towns, winding roads, and beautiful landscapes. This is the perfect route for riders who want to experience the best of what Liguria has to offer while enjoying stunning coastal views. With challenging ascents and a total distance of 155 km, this route is suitable for well-trained amateurs who are looking for a thrilling adventure. The highlights along the route include Andora, Crocetta, San Lorenzo al Mare, and Monte Grange, among others. Don't miss the panoramic views from Punto panoramico and the picturesque town of Badalucco.

155 km
4466 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Albenga City center
Albenga: A mix of history, coastal beauty, and cycling routes in Albenga.
Albenga is a vibrant town located in the Liguria region of Italy. Cyclists will appreciate the mix of flat roads and rolling hills in this area. Albenga itself has a historic center with narrow streets and medieval buildings, perfect for exploring after a ride. Nearby, you can tackle challenging climbs such as the Colle San Bernardo and Colle dei Mulini. The region offers a mix of coastal and inland routes, providing cyclists with various options depending on their preferences. Albenga also has cycling-friendly services such as bike rentals and repair shops. Overall, Albenga is a fantastic destination for cyclists looking for history, culture, and diverse cycling routes.
Stop by Andora, a charming town known for its beautiful beaches and historic buildings.
Visit Crocetta and admire its old castle ruins, offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
Punto panoramicoViewpoint
At Punto panoramico, take a break and enjoy breathtaking views of the Ligurian Sea.
San Lorenzo al MareVillage
Explore San Lorenzo al Mare, a delightful coastal town with colorful houses and a vibrant atmosphere.
Riva LigureVillage
Riva Ligure offers sandy beaches and a lively waterfront promenade, perfect for a refreshing stop.
Monte Grange200 mPeak
Ascend to the summit of Monte Grange and marvel at the panoramic views that stretch across the Ligurian coastline.
Badalucco is a picturesque village nestled in the mountains, known for its artistic heritage and stunning natural surroundings.
Monte Pallarea1075 mPeak
Venture to Monte Pallarea, an idyllic mountain peak surrounded by lush vegetation and offering exceptional views.
Monte Ceppo1627 mPeak
Climb the challenging slopes of Monte Ceppo and experience the reward of panoramic vistas at the top.
Molini di TrioraVillage
Molini di Triora is a historic village famous for being one of the most impressive in Liguria, with ancient narrow streets and fascinating architecture.
Carmo di Brocchi1610 mPeak
Take a moment to appreciate Carmo di Brocchi, a small hamlet renowned for its tranquil atmosphere and natural beauty.
Monte Carpasina1415 mPeak
Cycle up to Monte Carpasina, a hidden gem boasting panoramic views of the Ligurian countryside.
Don't miss Rezzo, a charming medieval village rich in history, with well-preserved buildings and a peaceful ambiance.
Visit Ortovero, a delightful town surrounded by olive groves and vineyards, renowned for its excellent olive oil production.
Monte Chiesa245 mPeak
Make a detour to Monte Chiesa, a hilltop village adorned with ancient churches, fountains, and stunning views.
Finish: Albenga City center
Albenga: A mix of history, coastal beauty, and cycling routes in Albenga.

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